Family Connect Challenge

Family Connect Challenge is designed to help families study the Bible together based on the sermon that was preached for that week. There are three short devotions per week. Our main goal is to equip men to take on the intimidating task of leading their families in a short weekly Bible study. However, anyone can utilize these devotions to fit into their busy lives and situations. 


We have begun a three-week study on the "Christian Home." We believe that a faithful Christian home is the greatest gift parents can give their children, and we will use the next three weeks to teach this truth.  Please join us! 

In Week One, we explore Joseph and Mary's journey as they face the unexpected news of Mary's pregnancy despite her being a virgin. This challenging experience teaches them about the profound meaning of obedience, offering insight into the idea that knowledge about God breeds obedience. 


In Week Two, we discussed Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna and learned how to live a life dedicated to our faithful God. Although we strive to live in a way that our children can model, we will still face hardships and trials. However, we can take comfort in knowing that God is faithful through it all! 


In Week Three, we wrapped up our 2024 Sermon Series by examining the contrasting responses of King Herod and the wise men to the birth of Jesus, the King of kings. Our children will view us as either rebellious toward our King or as loyal worshippers of Him. In a Christian home, it is essential for parents to guide their families in demonstrating how to worship our Savior and Lord, King Jesus!


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